Buying in a hot market is strategical. As seller's capitalize on the increase buyers must be open minded when it comes to want's and need's. Being that it is a seller's market with high demand and low inventory, choices need to be made much more rapidly. Once going in a home, you must already know what you are looking for and already pre-approved so there is no wasted time. Time is critical because you are in a race for time to present the best contract to the seller with little or no contingencies. You must hire the best realtor on the block with negotiation skills and working in your best interest. If there is anything that you must remember is that time kills deals.
One reason is that the household is growing as you live longer in the home. Kids are growing and additional family member's are added. As the years go by, you will be accumulating things. You will soon find out toy's, bicycle's and clothes have you starting to run out of much needed space. Therefore more room inside, overall and larger room size is needed in the whole home, outside and to include a basement or attic. Kid's may want pet's and dog's need room in a yard to run around.
You must be open minded and understand sometimes give and take to a degree for you and your spouse to agree on like different features of the home. There will be many homes you will see, but must pull the trigger faster than you think. This is because someone can easily beat you to it. If your spouse is a handyman or knows someone this will make it that much easier to purchase.Remember you are on a mission and in competition with other buyers with the same mindset. Trust your local home advisor Kevin Strawter at 850 496-6412 or email to steer you in the right direction. Serving Dr Phillips and Central Florida. Click here to know more about Kevin Strawter /ABOUT-KEVIN-STRAWTER-P-A---MRP--GRI--ABR-6-14330.html