Success as a realtor is exciting but not for everyone. I was encouraged in 2005 by my wife to get my license. The good thing about it is that I was well established in the community as a T-Ball Coach and on a student advisory counsel with local elementary school. This helped immensely once I obtained my Real Estate License. It is hard dedicated work that will pay off only if you believe in yourself with creative ideas.
Character, Ethics and Integrity plays an important part of any business. You must be a people person expanding knowledge and education each day once you have obtain your license. Your current board will offer all sorts of classes to further your education, this helps you shine with your clients gaining your skills and trust. You will find out fast you are a realtor and admin for your business.
This means you are out and about showing homes, the home writing contracts and following them through till closing. Yes it is work, and many realtor's that are very busy hire an experienced assistant. This is worth it and will save you a lot of time.
With today technology you will find there are so many pipelines to marketing. The major platform is Facebook which makes it easy to market your business. It is easy to follow the steps to do what you need to accomplished.
Secondly YouTube can produce videos, I found that people need to see videos that will give more insight and a huge step up from pictures only. You will have to establish your followers and they can also share videos which helps grow your audience. Also you will see the hits escalade if a great video is uploaded.
Twitter can be a springboard to success as well. Do even more research and stay on top of technology because there is always something added or improving.
In summary, you are branding yourself daily, each realtor has their own unique gift and style. Your goal is to offer a variety of services with your knowledge and education for your clients. Keep in mind, I am no CPA or attorney. I can guide you to the proper resource. Again marketing has always been into play and will never go away as long a you are trying to sell something. Click link for new buyers free ebook
If I can be any further help you can contact me at 850 496-6412 as a trusted advisor and professional realtor Facebook Kevin Sells Florida and Kevin Selling Florida. Serving Dr Phillips and Central Florida. Click here to learn more about Kevin Strawter /ABOUT-KEVIN-STRAWTER-P-A---MRP--GRI--ABR-6-14330.html