Why talk to a lender to buy a home? This process helps you get mortgage ready for the best mortgage interest rates and terms while interest rates regardless wether they are up or down. You have not done service to yourself by waiting till the last minute to buy a home. Why do i say that? Once your credit report is pulled you will see exactly who you owe and how much you owe each creditor. This also can include and unauthorized debtors. This gives you a window to clear up any unforeseen matters that may arise. You may find that your score is higher or lower than you even imagined. I have several lenders that are on point that I work with. Click link to learn more about mortgage lenders /MORTGAGE-LENDERS---32819---32836---Orlando-Florida-6-20247.html
Minimum credit score is 620. However there are some lender's can process a 580 credit score. However you will not get the optimum interest rate and it is worth it to obtain a higher credit score if possible. In the eyes of thew lender, it shows more discipline and less risk with higher credit score. Lenders can give you suggestions to help obtain a higher credit score based on your debts and income. They are not credit counselors, just speaking from their experience. A soft credit inquiry does not hurt your credit score, it only gives the lender and idea on where you stand. A hard inquiry reduces you credit score at least five points. They also can advise you on how much of a down payment to put down and an estimate of monthly payment.
If you are in a rental property and desire to buy, 90-120 days out ensure your credit is in tact then contact your realtor to see what is out there to suit your needs. On an average it takes 40-60 days for closing on a home and this can be more complex if buyer is self employed. The bottom line is that I suggest you have an executed contract accepted about 75 days out because this give you time to clean out the place you are currently living in. As a realtor my job is to position you in the driver seat when it comes to buying a home. I have several lenders at my disposal that I rotate to assist you through the process. Click here to learn about the interest rate hikes in 2022 /INTEREST-RATE-HIKE---32819---32836---Dr-Phillips-6-22993.html
Several important things that you are not to do during this process and consult your realtor first. Buy a car or furniture, move money around, change jobs, quit job, Co-Sign, use excessive credit cards, spend closing cost money, do not lie on application, no large deposits, no disputes on credit report.As for searching for a realtor in Central you have found one of the finest. Facebook Kevin Sells Florida or email your trusted advisor to guide your footsteps to success and I will be able to help get your keys that you have been waiting for.
Serving Dr Phillips and Central Florida. Click here to know more about Kevin Strawter a professional realtor, and trusted advisor /ABOUT-KEVIN-STRAWTER-P-A---MRP--GRI--ABR-6-14330.html