There are many reasons why credit is so important when buying a home. Number one is the three credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Transunion each report differently. Each credit score typically will not be the same, however, most lenders target and use the middle score to determine your credit score. When trying to buy a home, please pay bills on time, try not to use no more than 30% of total allowed of each credit card, longevity of each credit card counts (typically two years), do not co-sign. This ties into credit worthiness, meaning are you at risk? All lenders look at debt to income ratio and you must meet the criteria depending on what type of loan you will use. The more you are at risk in the lender eyes, the higher your interest rate can be and less home you can or cannot buy. Alternatively the higher your credit score the better rate you will receive and more home to buy. It is good to always be in a position to use credit, a house may pop up that you like and you have not positioned yourself to purchase.
Since COVID-19 kicked in, some lenders increased their standards to 640 and 680 back in March. Typically 620 is the score lenders look for, some will say 580, however you will not receive the best interest rate and in many cases you must have cash reserve when using a 580 credit score. My suggestion is at least a 700 middle score to buy a house. you can check once a year for free to see your scores. to verify your creditors and their scores are not accurate. So why not do it right the first time? It is easy and called discipline with a made up mind.
Interest rates are super low. already dropped eight times since August 2020. Feel free anytime to call me at 407 479-8583 and I am full of resources to make the American dream come true. Facebook Kevin Sells Florida and visit
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